Terms & Conditions, Refund Policy and our Privacy Policy

Terms & Conditions

Welcome to The Local Meat Co.

This website (www.thelocalmeatco.com.au) is operated by The Local Meat Co., trading as The Local Meat Co Pty Ltd. (ABN 21657468436) (we,us,our). The website operates as a retail store for our products and services (our Products and/or Services) and also to provide you with information on our products and services.

Questions about these terms and conditions can be sent to manager@thelocalmeatco.com.au 

Terms & Conditions

  • By using the website, each visitor (you, your) agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions (Terms and Conditions). Please read them carefully.  Your use of the website indicates your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, as does your purchase of any of our Products via the website

  • We may vary these Terms and Conditions. It is your responsibility to check the website periodically for changes and your continued use of the website following any changes indicates your acceptance of the changes.

  • You can only use and access the website to the extent you are legally able to do so in your State, Territory and/or country and you must also be over 18 years of age (or the age of majority in your location). Alternatively, if you are under 18 your parent and/or legal guardian can access and use the website on your behalf.

  • By using the website, you warrant that you meet the eligibility criteria in these Terms and Conditions

  • We reserve the right to prohibit anyone from using the website for any reason


Your use of this website and/or our Services may involve the transmission to us of certain personal information (as that term is commonly defined under privacy laws and regulations). Our policies with respect to the collection and use of such personal information are governed according to our Privacy Policy (that you can access on the website), which is incorporated into these Terms and Conditions.

Prices and GST

  • Prices for our Products are in Australian Dollars, are in inclusive of GST where required and are subject to change without notice in our sole discretion

  • We reserve the right at any time to modify or discontinue all or part of our Products and/or Services notice at any time

Product availability and weight

  • Certain Products and/or Services may be available exclusively online through the website. These products or services may have limited quantities and remain subject to our refund policy

  • The Product(s) when received may differ to the displayed website images in terms of shape, fat to meat ratio, colour vibrancy and slight weight variation due to the different variations in the animal source

  • Our Product prices are calculated on a per unit basis and the weight indicated at the point of purchase is Product-based and is not inclusive of packaging. As such, the weight of a Product may vary (give or take) due to absorption of fluids and the fact that weight loss (also referred to as a purge) is a natural phenomenon for food products, particularly fresh meat products

  • We reserve the right to limit the quantities of any products or services that we offer. All descriptions of Products or product pricing are subject to change at any time without notice, in our sole discretion of us

  • We shall not be liable to you or to any third-party for any such modification, price change, suspension or discontinuance of our Products and/or Services.


  • Payment for all Products and Services must be by credit or debit card or any other payment method listed on the checkout page of the website. Your payment method will be billed as soon as your order is placed.

  • All online debit/credit card transactions performed on the website are through secured payment gateways. All payment information is collected and stored by the third-party operators of the secured payment gateways, to be processed as required. We never permanently store complete debit/credit card details

  • Complete debit/credit card details cannot be viewed by us or any outside party

Orders and pick ups

  • We reserve the right to refuse or reject any order you place with us, for any reason, including where we suspect that an order is fraudulent. If we refuse or reject an order you place with us, you may contact us via manager@thelocalmeatco.com.au and we may, in our sole discretion, provide you with further information and/or re-process your order. Prior to re-processing an order (done only at our discretion), we reserve the right to request further information from you, including a government issued ID (for example, a driver licence) for the purposes of verifying your identity and order details and matching it against those in our system.

  • We reserve the right to limit or prohibit orders that, in our sole judgement, appear to be placed by dealers, resellers or distributors

  • When you place an order with us, you are agreeing to pick up your order directly from our premises at 1178 Claude Road, Claude Road unless otherwise agreed. Currently, we do not deliver. 

  • When you place an order, you will select a pick up date based on the pick up availability and windows offered to you at the checkout. 

Returns and refunds

  • The Local Meat Co. wants to ensure the best local eating experience possible. If there is a problem with the product, simply notify us within 3 days of pick up.

  • We do not honour returns or refunds if the claim is not made within 3 days of the order being picked up and/or has been frozen and/or has not been stored appropriately.

  • If you have a change of mind or need to cancel your order, please notify us within 3 business days of your pick up day to receive a refund. If your order is due for pick up within 3 business days, unfortunately, we are unable to process your refund.

  • For all cancellation enquiries - please send an email with your full name, email address and order details to manager@thelocalmeatco.com.au

  • Due to the nature of the product, we do not accept returns. With that said, if you have an issue with a faulty product, please refer to our refund terms above.

Accuracy, completeness and timeliness of information

  • To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not give any express or implied warranties and makes not representations in relation to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of information on this website

  • Your use of this website, and/or use and purchase of our Products and Services is entirely at your own risk. The information and materials made available on this website is provided as-is and we have no obligation to verify and/or update such information or materials (including any historical information retained on the website). Such information and materials are provided for general information only and should not be relied upon or used as the sole basis for making decisions, including for use for a particular purpose, result or outcome

  • We reserve the right to modify the contents of the website at any time and you agree that it is your responsibility to monitor any such changes


  • These Terms and Conditions do not limit or exclude any non-excludable rights you might have under any applicable law, including under Australian consumer law

  • We do not provide warranties of any kind in relation to the website, our Products and/or Services, the Content and/or the User Content. To the fullest extent permitted by law, and except where otherwise set out in these Terms and Conditions:

  • we expressly disclaim all warranties, express or implied, of any kind with respect to the website and the Products and Services made available and/or sold via the website, including without limitation that the website will be uninterrupted or error-free and/or other warranties (express or implied) of merchantability, fitness for use and/or a particular purpose, guarantee of a particular result or outcome, title, and non-infringement

  • we, and our directors, officers, employees and representatives will not be liable to you for any losses and damages, including special, direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive losses and damages (including for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data and/or other intangible losses) related to the website, our Products and/or the Services, the Content and/or the User Content


You indemnify and hold us and our related entities, affiliates, and our and their respective officers, agents, and employees, harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, proceedings, losses and damages (actual, special, aggravated and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, including reasonable legal fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your breach of these Terms and Conditions and/or your breach of any law or rights of a third party

Intellectual property

  • The website is owned and operated by us. Unless otherwise specified, all material appearing on the website remains our exclusive property, including the text, audio, video, site design, logos, graphics, icons and images, photographs, graphics, typefaces and all other material (collectively, the Content) as well as the selection, assembly and arrangement thereof

  • The Content is protected by copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property laws and rights. Unauthorised use of the Content may violate copyright, trademark, and other laws

  • We grant you a non-exclusive, revocable, non-sublicensable licence to access and display the Content for the sole, personal and non-commercial purpose of you accessing the website and using our Services. Otherwise, you have no rights in or to the Content, and you will not use the Content except as permitted under these Terms and Conditions. No other use is permitted without prior written consent from us

  • You may not sell, transfer, assign, license, sublicense, or modify the Content or reproduce, display, publicly perform, make a derivative version of, distribute, or otherwise use the Content. All goodwill generated from the use of any of our trademarks inures to our benefit

Acceptable use

You must not:

  • copy, modify, or create derivative works based on the content available through our Services

  • infringe the intellectual property rights, privacy or confidentiality of any third party engage in any activity that may result in injury, death, property damage, and/or liability of any kind; or

  • post or transmit any unauthorised material, including material that is (in our opinion) offensive, inflammatory, defamatory, racist, obscene or threatening

  • use the website and/or our Services for any illegal or unauthorised purpose nor may you, in the use of our Services, violate any laws in your jurisdiction (including but not limited to copyright laws)

  • access or use the website and our Services to collect any market research for a competing business;

  • use automated means, including spiders, robots, crawlers, data mining tools, or the like to download or scrape data from the website; and/or

  • interfere with or attempt to interrupt the proper operation of the website through the use or introduction of any virus, malicious or harmful code, Trojan Horse, device, information collection or transmission mechanism, software or routine, or access or attempt to gain access to any data, files, or passwords related to the website.

Third party products and linked websites

  • We may use third party products and services in our provision of our Services to you, including Ecwid and Eway who provide us with the online e-commerce platform that allows us to sell our Products and Services to you (Third Party Products). You acknowledge that: 

    • your use of, and access to, such Third Party Products may be subject to additional fees and separate terms issued by the supplier of such Third Party Products (Third Party Supplier), which will form a separate agreement between you and the relevant Third Party Supplier;

    • we make no representations or warranties in relation to, and do not accept liability for, any such Third Party Products; and

    • we may suspend your use of, or access to, the Third Party Products at any time, including on request from the Third Party Supplier.

  • The website and our Services may contain links to third-party websites, products, and services. We do not make any representations or warranties in relation to, and we exclude all liability from, such third party websites, products and services.


  • Nothing in these Terms and Conditions will be taken as giving rise to a relationship of employment, agency, partnership or joint venture.

  • These Terms and Conditions and any order placed by you contain the entire understanding between you and us concerning the subject matter of the agreement and supersedes all prior communications.

  • Any failure by us at any time to enforce these Terms and Conditions or any rights will not be a waiver of such rights or affect the validity of these Terms and Conditions.

  • If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is held by a court to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable under any applicable law, that term or provision will be severed from these Terms and Conditions and the remaining provisions will be unaffected.

  • These Terms and Conditions are governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of Tasmania, Australia and the courts of the jurisdiction will have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute arising out of these Terms and Conditions.

Privacy policy

Last updated:  3rd August 2022

In the course of carrying out our activities, The Local Meat Co. trading as The Local Meat Co Pty Ltd. (ABN 21657468436) (we, us, our) will collect, hold, store and disclose your personal information.  We are committed to the protection of your personal information and to being in compliance with privacy law.

  • When you purchase something from The Local Meat Co online, as part of the buying and selling process, we collect the personal information you give us such as your name, address, email and phone number.  When you browse our store, we also automatically receive your computer’s internet protocol (IP) address in order to provide us with information that helps us learn about your browser and operating system.

  • Email marketing (if applicable): With your permission, we may send you emails about our store, new products and other updates.

  • We collect and hold personal information about individuals for the provision of our services and purposes connected to those services, including via our website www .thelocalmeatco.com.au (website).

The types of personal information that may be collected by us, about you, includes;

  • Your name;

  • Your contact information which would include email, postal address, street address and any contact phone numbers;

  • Your credit card details;

  • Information that helps us provide you with better service and improve our marketing including;

    • Postcode

    • Your order history and the details of the products you’re interested in;

    • Your preferences and opinions (especially if you complete a customer survey);

    • Your browser session data including page use statistics, geo-location metadata, device and network information and page use statistics to help us improve our website;

    • Additional information you provide to us in any way including by use of social media, our site, or any accounts from which you allow us to collect information;

    • Any other personal information.

We may collect, hold, use and disclose personal information for the following purposes:

  • To contact you and communicate in relation to any orders you make or offers we have;

  • To maintain our records and keep good administrative procedures;

  • To assist our market research, business development, and analytics of our website so we can improve our service for you;

  • For marketing and advertising which may involve us sending you promotional information about our specials and products.

  • And to comply with our legal obligations and tax obligations to keep records.

There are only a few, limited circumstances where your personal information could be provided to third-parties such as;

  • Our employees, contractors and related entities;

  • Our professional advisors which could include our accountants, lawyers, Information Technology professionals and other similar third-party service providers who will owe their own obligations of confidentiality;

When you provide us with your personal information and need to provide this information to a third-party, we will always request that this information is handled in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles.


It is important that you read this policy carefully as it details how we will deal with and protect your private information. By providing any personal information to us you are consenting to us collecting, holding, storing using and disclosing such information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. You do not have to provide us with your personal information however if you do not it may make ordering our products very difficult. If you’re concerned about any detail of this policy please feel free to contact our team.

Third Parties

If a Third party gives us information about you, we will keep it secure in accordance with this policy. Where you provide us with information about somebody else, you are warranting and confirming that you have that other person’s consent to provide that information.


You may choose to limit or narrow the personal information that we collect or use. If you’ve previously opted in for us using your information for direct marketing purposes you can always opt out again by clicking unsubscribe on an email or contacting us directly.

Access your information

You are always at liberty to request details of the personal information we hold about you. Where that request involves a lot of information or would take us a very long time to prepare, we may charge an administrative fee to you. There are some limited circumstances, set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) where we may refuse to provide the personal information we hold about you, to you.

Fixing errors

Where we hold any information about you and you believe it is incorrect, inaccurate or is otherwise erroneous, please contact us directly so that we can fix any errors in our information about you.


If you consider a breach of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) has occurred, you may direct your query to us at manager@thelocalmeatco.com.au and we will attempt to resolve your complaint. If you do not consider our response satisfactory, you may contact the Australian Privacy Commissioner at its website oaic.giv.au or by telephone on 1300 363 992

Secure Storage

To maintain the security of your personal information we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and internal procedures to protect such information. Despite these efforts, we cannot guarantee the security of any information transmitted to us or by us over the internet, such transmission is at your own risk. Although we take measures to safeguard against unauthorised disclosures of information, we cannot assure you that the personal information we collect will not be disclosed in a manner that is inconsistent with this Privacy Policy.


Cookies are text files placed in your computer’s browser to store your preferences. We may use these on our website sometimes. Cookies alone don’t identify you personally; however, third party websites such as Google or Facebook can make use of Cookies to serve you ads based on their assumptions about your purchasing habits. If you were to choose to provide us with Personal information through our website, that information could be linked to the data stored in the Cookie.

Changes to this policy

We will review and update this Privacy Policy from time to time as needed without notice. Therefore, you should review the terms of this policy periodically to make sure that you are aware of how we collect, hold, store and use personal information.